Only 5 Documents Required
To Change Fresh Water Connection of
Kerala Water Authority
Thiruvananthapuram: The Kerala water authority has decided to
reevaluate and simplify the ownership rights for connection to fresh water. The
documents required for the said which were to be submitted to multiple offices
were all seen to be non-identical. The skepticism caused due to this issue is
what led to revamping the ownership rights.
According to the settlement made by
the water authority board, a total of 5 documents are all that is required now
to entirely replace the ownership rights. Apart from rupees 15, which is the
current requisition fee, the board demands rupees 100 in terms of operating
Water charge arrears must be paid
off, and as stated in the order, if it is such that the meter does not
function, a new one must be officiated. A notarized agreement of rupees 200 and
documents regarding the purchase of the land and building, which were required
before are not needed anymore.
Application form
Ownership certificate
pertaining to the cases regarding property handover
Legal heirs hip
certificate in case the customer is no more
● Aadhar card copy of whom the ownership goes to
● Phone number
Inputs by – Vaishnavi on 29the August, 2021