The Demarcated Land can be used for Industry

Trivandrum : The Department of Industries said that if the land acquired for a special purpose under the Land Reforms Act is not used within the specified time, 5% of it can be used for industry. The Industrial Department has recommended the government to amend the provisions of Section - 81 of the Land Reforms Act to find more land for industries. Private struggle for specific purposes in the public interest are exempted under the Land Reforms Act to hold more than 15 acres of land. If this land cannot be sub-utilized at the time, only 5% or ten acres of such land can be used for other purposes. Industry is not included in among other requirements. It is recommended that the rule should be amended so that the benefit is more for industrial enterprises. The Department will help the entrepreneurs to find more land in the context of setting up private industrial parks.
The applications received of commerce, industry, education, charity, etc., are examined at the ministerial level and the permission is granted to acquire more land. Land exempted for a specific purpose can only be used for that purpose. If not used for this purpose within the specified time, 5% of this can be used for floriculture, Vanilla cultivation, herbal cultivation, tourism, hotel, resort or their related purposes. But there is no provision to use 5% of the land for any other purpose except the land which gets concession in the name of industry. The recommendation is an amendment to allow 5% of any land that is classified as concessional in the Land Reforms Act to be earmarked for industry after a certain period. It is found that there are many unused private lands after obtaining the concession. About 30 applications have been received for private industrial parks. The Department believes that if more land is made available, more entrepreneurs will be created.
INPUTS BY – ANJANA Y U ON 24 November 2022