Land conversion: Register in the village to keep information

Land conversion:
Register in the village to keep information
Trivandrum: The Land Revenue Commissioner's Circular has directed the Registrar to keep records in the Village Offices for registration of land conversion applications under the Paddy Field Wetland Protection Act. Maintenance of the register should be in accordance with the date of receipt of the application. The unauthorized conversion of land also requires a registrar. Details of cases of non-compliance with the directions given by the District Collectors for reclamation of illegally filled land should also be kept. The action was taken on the basis of a petition filed by the Palakkad Forum for Social Action, which said that the registrars were not available at the Village, Taluk and Revenue Divisional Offices. The Revenue Department is now taking action on a petition filed with the Revenue, Agriculture and Local Government Departments two years ago, demanding that the area or survey number of the land allotted be not available in any village and that it be made available digitally to the public.